Lateral Friction Loss
This is for a sprinkler lateral with sprinklers on a regular interval and is plugged at the end.
Learn more about the units used on this page.

The Equations
This calculator uses this formula to determine the Total Flow Rate, Total Pipe Length, and Friction Loss.
Total Pipe Length
= Total Pipe Length (ft)
= Number of sprinklers per line
= Distance between sprinklers, sprinkler spacing (ft)
Total Flow Rate
= Total Flow Rate (gpm)
= Sprinkler flow rate (gpm)
= Number of sprinklers per line
Lateral Friction Loss
= Friction Loss (psi)
= Total Flow Rate (gpm)
= An arbitraty number to account for the pipe type (see table)
= Pipe Size (in)
= Total Pipe Length (ft)
= Number of sprinklers per line
Pipe Type | Value |
Plastic | 150 |
Aluminum | 120 |