Irrigation Resources
The irrigation resources list is a compilation of information about special topics, irrigation definitions, and unit descriptions.
Irrigation Scheduling Aids and Tools
A variety of practical tools used to help manage water use.
Irrigation Fact Sheets
The irrigation fact sheets include additional reference materials in PDF form, which needs the free Adobe Reader installed as a browser plug-in or installed on your computer.
Irrigation Glossary
The irrigation glossary is a list of commonly used irrigation terms and definitions.
Unit Descriptions
The unit description listing includes the different types of irrigation units used for measuring area, distance, flow, power, precipitation, pressure, salinity, speed and volume. Each unit includes a description of the abbreviated term.
Unit Conversions
A calculator to convert irrigation units from type to another.
Irrigation Schedule Tables
Spreadsheets for scheduling crop water use and monitoring soil moisture for irrigation systems.
Irrigation Service Providers
A list of equipment suppliers and irrigation scheduling providers and contact information.
Presentations about irrigation and related topics.
Center Pivot Distribution Uniformity Calculator
A Microsoft Excel 2007 macro-enabled workbook to calculate the pivot uniformity evaluation calculation.