Sprinkler Calculators
Sprinkler Application Rate: Sprinkler application rate based on nozzle diameter and spacing.
Nozzle Requirements: Find the flow rate using a given pressure and diameter, or find the nozzle diameter for a given pressure and flow rate.
Lateral Friction Loss: Find the flow rate, pipe length and friction loss based on a sprinkler lateral.
Hand Move Sprinklers: Find recommended values for hand move sprinklers, such as set times, nozzle and pressure losses.
Sprinkler Density: Find the number of sprinkler heads per area for rectangular or triangular spacing.
Sprinkler Discharge Rate: Learn how to estimate a single sprinkler's discharge rate by setting up an experiment using two sprinklers, 4 cans and a measuring container.
Traveling Big Gun Sprinkler: Calculate the net water application for a given flow rate, efficiency percentage, lane width, and travel speed.
Traveling Sprinkler: Estimate the the total number of irrigated acres per hour based on lane spacing and travel speed.